Dear friends,
I hope you are all doing well. For many of us, it’s a year of movement and change. I don’t know how you’ve been faring, but for many, this has been a weird start to an odd year. Matthew McCaunaghey, the actor and author of Green Lights, writes that it’s easy to dream about what our lives could be, to plan for that great “someday”... it’s a lot harder to actually take action and make it happen.
I understand what he means. Once we’ve divvied up our time, energy and resources between all of our commitments, our ‘people’ and our to-do’s, we may feel like there’s not a lot of time left for self care. It’s why I feel the retreats I offer each year are a real opportunity to get off the beaten track, to resource, regroup, and renew. It’s an opportunity for you to do you.
Rest is a part of that. So is exercise, fresh air, good food, good sleep and personal growth. Learning about how to manage your nervous system, how to feel good, or better is a part of it, too.
I can help. I love this work and I have tools that you can bring into your lives back home.
Welcome to the Art of Self Care.
Join me at the Village Saint Jean Hotel & Spa for late afternoon hatha yoga classes in Saint Barth.
We meet three times a week , Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 4:30 pm to 6 pm.
Every Wednesday evening, as part of my community service, I host a meditation circle at the Anglican Church from 7 to 8 pm. The circle is non-denominational, open to all and free of charge.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, I teach a water yoga class from 10:30-11:30 am. If you’ve tried it, you love it.
Medicine Plant Trip in the Peruvian Amazon from April 4-16, where sacred set and setting merge for 10 unforgettable days doing a deep dive into your life. This transformative journey is not for everyone. But, for those who seek this level of engagement, it will inform and transform your life. I’ll be running this workshop with two highly respected vegetalistas in the Meso-Amazonian tradition.
Private group or individual classes by request south of France
July 11-August 11
The annual St. Barth Summer Camp Yoga Challenge and Yoga University. This a la carte, come as you are and leave better workshop is sheer summer joy. Join at any point during the retreat and design your own curriculum.
Big Sky, Montana retreat
September 7-15
A real yoga retreat with 4 hours of yoga and meditation per day, into which is woven hikes under the great Montana sky, excursions to Yellowstone, the culinary wizardry of chef Philippe Masseglia, seconded by his wife Sabine.
Private group or individual classes by request south of France
The Art of Self Care is a multi-modal, broad spectrum approach to self care wrapped around a solid core of yoga, meditation, personal growth, healing sessions, life coaching, stress management, mindfulness practices, ocean work and discovery hikes . It is what I call my healing arts.
In addition to scheduled workshops and retreats, I create, curate and lead theme-based workshops like the annual St. Barth Summer Camp Yoga Challenge, team-building modules for businesses that can scaled to your needs.
I can also create a built-to-spec wellness programs for your special events here or abroad.
I offer you over 30 years of training, and my personal "10 000" teaching and consulting hours spent improving the physical, mental and emotional registries we as humans experience.
I look forward to putting my life skills and healing arts to work practicing and growing with you.
Diana Bourel
Art of Self Care / Yoga St Barth / Coming Home Transpersonal Work / St. Barth Summer Camp Yoga Challenge
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News and Articles - Yoga in St Barth meditation and personal growth

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