Munay Retreat


This December 2022.

Arrival Pucallpa Peru Don Jose Guest House Dec 1
Departure to Munay Retreat Center. Dec 2
Return to Pucallpa Dec 11
Depart Pucallpa Dec 11 (late afternoon or evening flight) or anytime Dec. 12

Cost $1675 USD / EUR does not include international or domestic flights

Plant Medicine Healing trip to Munay Dieta Retreat Center in Peru

We are offering a Plant Dieta in the Amazon rainforest in Peru. This is an ini- tiation into healing plant medicine in the Mezo-Amazonian tradition with an ex- perienced vegetalista, Jessica Toral, and assisted by her sister Diana Bourel, both of whom have studied and trained under Don Jose Campos, one of the most respected teachers in the plant medicine space worldwide .

The Dieta is an ancient shamanic plant medicine tradition for deepening awareness, spiritual connection and physical healing. This 10-day retreat in the heart of the Peruvian Amazonian rainforest is both a transformational and transcendental experience.

As Don Jose explains, Ayahuasca, also called the Vine of the Soul, or the Vine of Death, allows us to deeply and intuitively understand the root causes for our physical and psycho-spiritual malaise and also where our joy and freedom lies. From this point of view, its value cannot be underestimated. We learn to heal ourselves by the keys the plant provides. There are no limits and boundaries to where your soul can lead you in this lifetime. As you connect and tap into the power of your own soul, you will meet and live life differently.

To undertake this type of intense healing work, a mindful preparation is re- quired.

Category: Product ID: 1819



If you are searching for a profound physical and spiritual experience, and/or you would like to deepen your relationship to Ayahuasca and other plant teachers, then the Dieta is an incredible vehicle for deep personal growth.
This voyage is in every way an initiation, and to some degree, changes your life. It requires self-discipline, self-reliance and entails a certain level of discovery on both physical and psychological levels that will take you out of your comfort zone. It also reaps huge rewards.

This medicine has been practiced for thousands of years by the Amazonian people. Ayahuasca is considered a master plant teacher, and one that kept jun- gle communities healthy and spiritually sound. In our case, this experience is a community-minded experience.

This voyage requires a healthy respect for self, others, the teachers, the staff and the environment. It requires self-autonomy, too. Having a clear sense of inten- tion is most beneficial. What is it that you wish to heal?

Whatever date you choose to arrive in Peru, you’ll need to be in Pucallpa, our starting and finishing point, by December 1 in the evening, which will be spent at Don Jose Campos’ guest house.

After our first night in Pucallpa, we have a group breakfast, and set out for the Munay Dieta Retreat Center in the Amazon on December 2 by van.The ride is uncomfortable and takes us over bumpy roads. Dress comfortably, have a water bottle and sun protection. We have about 3-4 hours on the highway and coun-

try roads, a short river shuttle, and after more road travel, a 45-minute canoe ride on the Ucayali, a tributary of the Amazon river. Depending on the water lev- el ( whether the river is high with rain or low during dry season) an additional 30- minute walk to Munay Dieta Retreat Center may be required. In all, the voyage takes the better part of a day.

Upon arrival, we will have a communal lunch, settle into our tambos, the individ-

ual huts that serve as your jungle home. The Tambo is a small screened-in jungle cabin and contains a desk, a chair, a hammock, a storage cabinet, candles, a 5-Gallon Water tank, and a double bed with mosquito netting. Each tambo has an outdoor composting toilet. Most of the tambos are not within site of one another for maximum privacy. There is no electricity, no running water, and no telephone. There is no internet connection either.

Our last communal meal will be the same evening of arrival , and on that last evening, organizers will speak about the dieta, make suggestions about how to live it to the fullest. After that, meanls will be brought to your Tambo and we will not eat together again until we break the diet after the 5th and final ceremony ten days later.

The food served during the diet is purposely bland (salt and sugar free) and consists of a vari- ety of offerings that can include: quinoa or brown rice or potato, green plantains, steamed car- rots, cucumbers, avocado, river fish and the occasional chicken or boiled egg. Meals will be served twice a day, and on ceremonial days, served early enough to be digestion-free when entering ceremony. It is not unusual during a dieta to drop a few kilos.

We will be in the secondary forest, meaning that the presence of man is fairly minimal. During our stay, an indigenous staff member will bring our meals and daily medicinal plants directly to our huts. These medicinal plants, are served as infusions to be sipped throughout the day and help to regulate hormonal activi- ty. They have other therapeutic actions that are assigned to each participant based on their history, their needs and their intentions. Filling out the medical

form with accuracy is of great importance so you get the support you need. Dur- ing the Dieta you will also be drinking one or several other plant teas or cold infusions that will be

The on-site staff is discreet, loving, kind and highly experienced. They also bring us leaves every morning, which we then soak in buckets of water we fetch from the river. These leaves are used for personal washing and hygiene and re-

place soap and all cosmetic and chemical products which are suspended during the entirety of the dieta

Arrival Pucallpa Peru Don Jose Guest House Dec 1
Departure to Munay Retreat Center. Dec 2
Return to Pucallpa Dec 11
Depart Pucallpa Dec 11 (late afternoon or evening flight) or anytime Dec. 12


Cost: $1675 per person

Please note that the cost does not include round trip airfare to/from Lima or Pucallpa or the cost of COVID test, if required by your country (approx. $35).

The price includes:

  • Pucallpa Airport Pick Up and Ground Transportation to /from Don Jose’s Guest House
  • Two Night’s Stay at Don Jose’s Guest House in Pucallpa (before and after the dieta) Two Dieta-Friendly Group Dinners at Don Jose’s Inn on Dec 1 and Dec 10.
  • Two Dieta-Friendly Group Breakfasts on December 2 and December 11
  • Transportation to and from Munay Dieta Retreat Center (van, ferry and canoe trip each way)
  • Ten Days Lodging and Food at Munay Dieta Retreat Center
  • Five Ayahuasca Ceremonies Guided by Jessica and Diana
  • Individual Curaciones (Healings) by Jessica and Diana Generous Tip for Staff
  • Flower Bath in Pucallpa upon return

Once you are cleared to participate, you’ll be requested to submit your medical and waiver forms. Pease sign up only if you are sure you can clear your schedule and commit because to secure your space a 50% non-refundable deposit is required. The balance of the fee is paid in Pucallpa and in cash.

We’ll be providing more info once you sign up and are available to address any questions you may have, but hopefully, this provides you with a fair understand- ing of what this voyage entails and enough detail for you to understand whether or not this trip is right for you.

Blessings to all, Diana and Jessica

MUNAY Dieta Program

With one exception, there is a ceremony every other day. Ceremonies are held on December 3, 5 , 7 and 8 ( our only back-to-back). These are all evening cer- emonies. For the 4 evening ceremonies, we gather at 5 pm in the maloca, the. community ceremonial center, and begin by 6 pm. Our final ceremony is a day- time ceremony on December 10 and begins at 7 am. The ceremony itself usual- ly lasts four to five hours. During the ceremony, you will be served a dose of plant medicine composed of Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis Caapi) and Chacruna (Psychotria Viridis) that has been prepared for you by Don Jose’s team. Ayahuasca contains alkaloids, specifically harmine, harmaline and tetrahyrdo- harmine which are MAO (monoamino oxidase) inhibitors. The chacruna plant is a synergist and contains DMT, dimethyltriptomane, a serotonergic receptor ago- nist. The visionary element of the experience, DMT, is not active if orally ingest- ed without Ayahuasca because it is destroyed by the MAO enzymes in the GI tract. Because of the inhibiting action, the DMT can break the blood-brain barri- er and penetrate the circulatory system, which produce hallucinogenic effects, or healing visions, by stimulating the pineal gland.

Ayahuasca has been used for centuries by traditional medicine healers in cere- monies that are spiritual and in some cases, religious, depending on the practi- tioner. The therapeutic effects have been particularly noted in treating addiction, depression, stress, trauma, grief and loss. In some cases, people have reported being healed from physical ailments and diseases as well. We can visit both our lightness and our dark, and are given an extraordinary personal and intimate way of knowing and loving ourselves more fully.

Don José has been working with Ayahuasca plant medicine for more than 3 decades. His presence within circle as a healer, musician and leader is rare and precious. He remains one of the most experienced, serious, and joyful medicine men of this traditional Meso-Amazonian lineage. He has taught the world over, but remains convinced that the Dieta, the seminal experience in this healing work, is best experienced in the Amazonian forest. It is here that Ayahuasca is ‘at

home’ and in the jungle, we are taught by a thriving living pulsing natural world where we understand the diversity and interaction that links us all.

In Peru, Ayahuausca is a natural national heritage, and is both recognized and protected. So too, are we.

As Don José’s longtime students and upon his request, Jessica and Diana will be leading this trip .

A retreat of this magnitude requires both autonomy and discipline. Though you will be supported, the work you have come to do only you can do.

Requirements to attend.

In order to be a part of this Dieta you must not be on any medications that are contraindicated to drinking ayahuasca. Pharmaceuticals like Antidepressants, Heart Medication, Blood Thinners , Allergy Medications are typically contraindicated. A full list of contra-indicated medications to those who are attending will be provided.

You are responsible for the upkeep of your tambo, for your personal belong- ings, and for contributing to the wellbeing of the group by being on time for ceremonies, and respecting each other’s personal space. This jungle experience is a rare opportunity to reconnect to a digital-free, completely organic world. It offers both the silence and the safety to allow you to go deep into your personal process with minimal external distraction. During the ceremonies, we work to- gether, purify together, support each other and rise together.

If you are traveling with your life partner, you’ll be asked to sit apart from one another during the ceremony itself so as not to distract one another from the work each has come to do. The same is true of family members in ceremony to- gether.

We will all be asked to prepare for this trip by practicing sexual abstinence 2 weeks prior to the Dieta, during the Dieta, and for about 10 days following. This safeguards your personal space and that of your fellow group members, and keeps you available to the medicine.

At the end of each ceremony, there will be a period of pacification, healing and prayer to be sure that everyone has returned from the soul journey.

On off-ceremony days, Diana will be teaching restorative yoga classes to help ground your experience to anyone who wants to participate. To foster embodi- ment and integration, talking circles hosted by Jessica and Diana allow the group to share its experiences, mysteries and visions and to learn from each other .

After an interview with either Diana or Jessica to determine that there are no contraindications You will be asked to fill out, sign and return a medical disclosure form and a waiver release form, a contract wherein you agree to fully respect the terms of the trip.

To prepare for the dieta, you will be asked to discontinue use of any medicines, including hormone supplements, allergy meds and other. Once in dieta, we dis- continue the use of any chemicals or agents, including shampoo, soap, tooth- paste, creams.

Indigenous markets in Lima and Pucallpa are great places to purchase Palo San- to (incense) and flowers for your journey.

Instagram @dianabourelartofselfcare

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